Abundance at Yule

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How can I find rare oils and herbs?

Abundance at Yule

Take advantage of the abundance of specialty oils and herb mixes available at Yuletide. Those "pinetree" incenses are made of real pine needles (not the cheapie ones, read the label) and can be crumbled over charcoal for purification rituals. These incenses are also good for those in the broom closet - they come in a cabin box and are carried by most "dollar stores" ... nice and innocent.

As always, read labels, check ingredients, and stay away from fake perfumey "fragrance oils" ... these are nearly useless for ritual and only serve to give you a powerful headache.



2/17/2007 12:15:08 PM
Art (Berdie) said:

I cannot use sented candles or incense or air spray.
Same with after-save or soap that is perfumed. Get a rash or severe head-ache.

Fridays at work is hell when the girls get ready to go out they all spray up ..

But, for some reason if it is Lemon or Vanella and a small voltive no problem for some reason.


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