Book of Shadows Tips

Read these 39 Book of Shadows Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Wicca tips and hundreds of other topics.

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i love a man i hurt deeply, i live with a man who is there a spell to win back my soulmate,and get rid of the bastard that wont leave?

The Truth About Wiccan Love Spells

First things first. If you are unhappy in your life, no spell will make that all disappear. Happiness does not come from spells, it comes from being one with yourself, it comes from being one with nature, and being honest in your life.A spell is not a magical Wicca fix-it-all. It is a focus of energies asking the natural powers to help you find yourself. Before you can even cast a spell in Wicca, you must learn to know yourself, believe in yourself, dare to change your circumstances, and to be silent.

It is also very important that you understand that the tenents of Wicca are to do no harm, nor to manipulate the hearts and souls of others. There are always consequences to these actions.

You can find love spells at

Please, before you cast any spell, find your center---discover your truth, and that will lead you to your happiness.

Safety with herbs?

Cautions with Herbs and Oils

Herbs are wonderful things given by our Mother Earth, but certain cautions MUST be observed! White Willow is used as a "substitute" for aspirin, but CANNOT be used by folks allergic to aspirin, since it is the SAME substance! Likewise, Chamomile is in the Ragweed family ... if you have a ragweed allergy, avoid chamomile! Other herbs used in magick, such as Belladonna and Wolfbane, are poisonous and should only be used with extreme cauton. Clove and cinnamon essential oils are irritants - many oils cannot be used "straight" for the same reason.

Do not assume "just because my herb book says so" that your source is correct or that the absence of warning labels means that a product is safe for consumption or use on the body. Please, investigate any herb/oil thoroughly before use.

Will knowing someone´s sun sign tell me about them?

Manipulation is a No No

When getting involved with Wicca, consider your responsibility. The Wiccan Rede (rule) is "An it harm none, do as thou wilt" - in other words, do your own thing as long as you don't hurt anyone, including yourself. When you cast that love spell, it's to open YOURSELF to love, not to manipulate others into loving you ... that's harming another, even though your personal desire makes it look like it's for another's good to be involved with you. Likewise, money spells are to increase your cashflow, but not to wish rich Aunt Sadie dead to leave all her money to you.

Get the idea? Work on SELF improvement and the rest will follow.

What color of candle would I use for a spell?

What color do you need

Color plays a significant role in magickal workings. Each color has its own magickal correspondences, and choosing colors associated with the goals of your magick will give your spells & workings a boost. Color can be integrated in many ways -- altar cloths, candles, clothing, ink, cloth charm bags, and even tinting a water offering on your altar.

RED - health, energy, strength,courage, will power, and sexul potency

PINK - love, affection, romance, healing spirt togetherness and spiritual awakening

YELLOW - intellect, power of the mind, confidence, action, creativity, attraction, concentration, and inspiration, stimulation, attraction, sudden changes, control, power, to draw good things, change luck

GREEN - abundance, fertility, generosity, money, wealth, marriage, balance, success, renewal

BLUE - truth, wisdom, occult power, protection, happiness, peace, understanding, patience

PURPLE - success, higher psychic ability, honors, protection, drive evil awy, divination

BROWN - attract money, financial success, concentration, balance, intuition, ESP, study

BLACK - binding negative forces, protection, releasing, reversing, repel dark magic

WHITE - purity, power of higher nature, sincerity, wholeness, spirituality, truth

MAGENTA - quick changes, exorcism, spiritual healing

INDIGO - meditation, nuetralize anothers magic, stop gossip, balance out karma

GOLD - great fortune, intuition, understanding, fast luck, male diety powers

SILVER - removes negative power, meditation, victory, psychic abilities, female deity powers

How can I be spiritual in daily life?

Appropriate Symbols

Pentagrams are a preferred symbol of the Wiccan society, but (especially for those in the Broom Closet) the "star" is not always practical. Try a plain 5-pointed star pendant ... or a locket with a picture of your familiar or totem animal ... or a symbol of a power place - a special mountain or something that calls to you. I've seen the pictograph of Water on a pendant - if you are a Water Sign, this could be a powerful protector for you.

Looking for special objects?

One person's trash..

A great way to get talismans and amulets is to construct them yourself. An object that has meaning for you, such as a pebble that "feels" happy, or a shell found on the beach that appeals to you, can have much more impact on your spirit than a mass-produced item bought at a curio shop.

If you buy your charms, go "junking" - junk and antique shops or even yard sales can produce some amazing finds.

"One man's trash is another's treasure"

How can I make incense at home?

Quick Incense from the kitchen

If you keep common spices in your kitchen cupboard, you have the makings of quick incense! Cinnamon can be smoldered on charcoal (the incense kind available at health food and metaphysical stores, not the barbecue kind) for protection or cashflow, as well as dry basil leaves. For a quick money spell, combine kitchen basil and oregano and "think green" as you burn it - a green candle on the side will add power to your visualization.

Questioning the crystal?

Hot Rocks

When buying crystals, be sure to handle them to feel the vibrations of the stone. Crystals have a "personality" of their own (especially quartz) and need to be held to assess their value to your current needs.

A "hostile" stone may not be able to be reprogrammed(like a contrary child), but you cannot tell a stone's "feel" from a catalog and the seller may not take it back on your word of "it doesn't feel right".

How can I keep track of my spells?

Keeping Track

Keeping track of your spellwork is important. A Book of Shadows (or a CD-ROM of Shadows, whatever works for you) is a useful tool to keep track of successful spellwork - and a good reference for your personal tradition workings - the "tried and true" - that you can share with your circle or use in future spellwork.

How does salt work to harness negative energy?

Wonderful Salt

Need to clear an area of negative energy? Reach for the salt shaker. Ordinary table salt will work wonders .. hold the shaker in your dominant ("power") hand and picture it glowing, green to purple to blue to bright white. Shake this blessed salt around the area that seems "heavy" and see the nasty negative energy dissolve.

Note: Be careful using this one outside of the home -- salt will kill grass and plants.

How can I wear my pentagram to work?

Those Pentagrams ...

Want to keep your symbol around your neck, but are concerned about nosy neighbors and "unenlightened" relatives? A pentagram may raise eyebrows and stir chants of "satanist", but a five pointed star necklace is available anywhere - serves the same purpose (properly purified and prepared) ... but is much more benign in common eyes.

How can I keep track of my herbs?

An organized Witch...

... is a happy Witch! Keep track of your herb shelf in a small notebook. If your cupboard is anything like mine, boxes and bottles are stacked to the rafters and you can only see the "front layer" of your current inventory - and, of course, the rue jar is in the back. If you are keeping a notebook with your "stock" listed, you will know if you need to visit the store, or if you just need to dig.

What to do if your out of bat wings?

Kitchen Witch

Out of bats wings? Look no further than your cupboard!
Many of the ingredients used in spell work are common herbs found on your kitchen spice rack - sweet basil for prosperity (money, cash flow), cinnamon for love, salt for purification, black pepper for protection.

This is also useful to those still in the "broom closet" - the neighbors may raise an eyebrow if they see you coming out of the local occult shop - but everyone goes to the grocery store!

What makes a good protective sachet?

Protection Sachet

A good protective sachet can be made from some common kitchen herbs and spices. Combine black pepper, sea (or table) salt, sweet basil, and caraway seed - garlic is also good, but if you're using the sachet in a car or office, the close quarters (in a car) or others (in your office) could make using garlic less than desirable.

Wrap in a white hanky or cloth bag and tie with a red cord (or red yarn). Hang in a high corner of the area to be protected. Picture the scent/vibrations of the herbs enclosing the area.

How can I keep in touch with my area cycles?

MoJo to move you

Try a seasonal mojo bag - in a muslin sack or cloth bag - about 3x3 inches - collect seasonal power items, such as an acorn for fall, a shell for summer sea power, a stream pebble for water power of the woods - items that have personal meaning for you for particular seasons. This collection can bring the power of the seasons to your pocket.

How can I make a protective sachet?

Yule Talisman

Tie a sprig of holly to a red ribbon for an appropriate Yule talisman - hold in your power hand (the one you write with) and project green light into the bag from your center. Hang the holly in your house or car. Great protection, and not obvious for those still in the Broom Closet!

I thought red was the color of "love". Why do most sources say pink is

The Impact of Color (Why Pink?)

Q: I thought red was the color of "love". Why do most sources say pink is?

Pink is cited by most sources for love spells since it is a combination of red and white, red signifying passion and white signifying purity. Pink is used
for self-love (self esteem), since all love must start from within the lover. If you are already in a relationship, red will fire up the passions. Set a
table with red roses and white candles for balance, then pour the red wine!

Spells, what they can and cannot do?

Spells, what they can and cannot do

Spells are meant to create change; they can and should be used to manipulate SITUATIONS (not people).

Example: Love spells attract love by making you more open to love and a more loving person (like attracts like), not by convincing "Mr or Ms Right-at-the-Moment" to fall in love with you. Money spells create cashflow by "found money" or a new job/promotion, not "rich person down the street gives me a million dollars because I told them to".

Use spellwork wisely, and your situation will maintain you. "An it harm none, do what thou wilt..." --Wiccan Rede

Is clary sage dangerous?

Caution with Clary Sage

Clary Sage essential oil is used as a stimulant, but some sources also call it a calmative. One thing is for certain - this oil can be psychologically
addictive and is damaging in large doses. Use Clary Sage for a pick-me-up on occasion, but for regular use, peppermint (to name one) is much safer and gives the same or better effect.

How can I keep my frankincense with me? I can´t burn it all day!

When Incense is Impossible

Try carrying a cotton ball with a few drops of essential oil sealed in a plastic bag. When you need a lift, just open the bag, inhale, and visualize
your need.

How can I be spiritual in daily life?

Simple Protection

A very simple protection sachet can be made with sea salt from your local health food store. Put a few teaspoons in a white cloth bag and tie with a white cord. Hang in a window, high corner, or carry in your pocket!

Need a soother?

Lovely Lavender

Need a calming soother? Lavender has been known to relax and soothe a spirit; the purple color is associated with royalty. Fill a bottle with lavender flowers for your office - open it and inhale deeply when you need a "calm fix" ... and the beautiful blooms will please your eye as well.

Is timing important for spell work?

Time is On My Side - Timing Your Spells

Q: Is timing important for spell and ritual work?

A: Timing can add extra "something" to a ritual, for example, doing a "new project" spell when the moon is Aries to help with the pioneer spirit. There are correspondences for moon phase, day of week, and other aspects of time that can add some punch to your ritual. However, you do not have to be a slave to timing. If you need to do a protection spell if you feel threatened, do it NOW. (If the threat is at your door, forget the spell, call the police.)

What crystals/stones can I use to attract cash?

Finding Crystals and Gemstones

Q: Do I have to go to a special store to find good crystals?

A: Not at all. Most of my personal crystals are either "found" stones (look down, they're all around) or for polished stone, I go to the local lapidary (a rock and gem shop) These places have good stones, but don't be bothered with the rubies in the case (unless you have a HUGE need and DEEP POCKETS!) Try the cabachons in the small drawers; they can be had for a song and will work well in jewelry as well as your altar space!

Try museum gift shops too ... treasures can be found in their children's section!

Gemstones make great Wiccan talismans -- find a gemstone with magickal correspondences related to things you want and carry it with you for a great simple form of magick.

I need more money, what can I do?

For Money

Find a piece of *OAKMOSS* to keep in your wallet. Oakmoss smells like a new dollar bill - "power it up" with an appropriate chant - example,
"money fine, money mine" -keep it simple, the rhyme helps, it doesn't have to be high art poetry. The scent will remind you of cash, and the aura created
by the herb combined with your projection will attract money to your purse!

What crystals/stones can I use to attract cash?

Stones for CashFlow

Q: What crystals/stones can I use to attract cash?

A: Two good money-drawing stones are MALACHITE and PYRITE. Malachite is a green stone with a whitish marbling through it.. it has a smooth texture and makes a great "pocket stone" (feels great to fiddle with!) Rub on some patchouli oil for a power boost; this combination is a winner!

The other great stone for money is Pyrite, otherwise known as Fools Gold. You don't have to be a fool to use pyrite, just picture it as the real thing - have a chunk of pyrite handy, and the real stuff will follow.

How can I be spiritual in daily life?

What's My Tradition?

There are many "denominations" in Paganism, Witchcraft being one of them and Wicca being a form of Witchcraft. These are called traditions.

One way to explore different traditions is to explore your ethnic background. You may find that a tradition you find yourself drawn to originated with your ancestors. Read up on Celtic lore, find a good book on Greek mythology, research your family tree and you may discover yourself, your roots, and your path.

You can also look at places that you are drawn to. Love Hawaii? Look up the traditions and lore of the Hawaiian culture.

Looking for Love?

Looking for Love?

Here's a quick love spell to create "good vibrations" for you!


Pink Candle
Rose Petals(fresh or dried)
Rose Incense
Small piece of Rose Quartz

Light your incense and candle. Place the rose petals in a container or vase next to the rose quartz. Meditating on the candle flame, picture yourself happy and ready to receive love into your life. Breathe the scent of the incense and flowers - remember the aroma. Then, take the rose quartz in your "power hand" (the one you write with, your dominant hand) and "push" these good feelings and sensations into the stone. Carry the quartz with you to maintain the spell - the love surrounding you should attract love to you!

When can I expect results from my spell work?

Spellwork Timeframes

Q: When should I expect results from a spell?

A: "Standard" spell time frames are a moon - which means that in general you should expect to see manifestation of your spell work in about a month. Some workings may take longer, but a month is a general rule-of-thumb. Spells are like people, they are all different and have their own unique time frames. Many spells will produce immediate results, a well thought out and carefully crafted spell promises to show results within the cycle of the moon. Be on the lookout for little "signs" that your spell is working from the moment you cast it and give thanks and praise and honor to all deities who assisted you as you see these little signs take form.

How can I become invisible?


Have you dreamed of being invisible? It can be done, but not in the "Charmed" fashion - or the old cartoon "vanishing cream" way ....

We can become invisible - although not in a physical sense. You can cast a "coat of ignore" and become virtually invisible to people around you. You're still there, but they don't see you - they just ignore you.

My love spell that i did on my crush made him not like me rather than

What went Wrong? Love spell tips..

Q: The love spell that I casted on my crush made him not like me rather than like me ... what did I do wrong? Was it me?

A: This may be a classic case of trying too hard - if we do spellwork trying to manipulate another, it falls afoul of the Wiccan Rede - "An it harm none, do as thou wilt".

Love spells are a touchy subject - ideally, love spells open US to love, not try to rope someone else into a relationship. On the other hand, love spells will dispel "wrong" influences from around us ... so what appears to be a "pending" relationship may leave, since they are not in our best interest, despite what appears to be.

So, it appears your spell worked, just that the object of your affection wasn't meant for you.

How can I be spiritual in daily life?

Snow Mojo

Try a snow mojo for a protective amulet! Gather symbols of winter snow (silver confetti shaped like snowflakes, white plastic snow, white crystals) in a white silk bag. During a snow, if possible, gather your materials and see the new snow streaming white light into your symbols - visualize their cold pure energy lighting your fire within with the power of ice!

Carry the new mojo near your center and see snow falling gently about you, shielding you from harm.

Can I use essential oil on skin?

Careful Oil Use

Never apply essential oils directly to skin. Most are irritants, and some oils like clove or cinnamon oil can burn.

Where can I purchase my tools?

Hold it!

If possible, always hold a stone before deciding upon purchase! There are some good books on what crystals and stones are preported to do what, but on the other hand, don't be frightened away from a stone because some book says "bad luck", example, opals or pearls. Touching the stone to read it before you get it will tell you if the stone is right for you!

How can I do a quick love spell?

Quickie Love Spell

Here's a spell for love that you can do in a pinch. Get a pink candle and a chunk of any pink stone (rose quartz is ideal, but even a pink marble would do ... and may appeal to you more!) If you have rose insense, all the better, but just meditating on a picture of a rose while recalling the scent is fine. Gather your materials - light your candle and affirm - "I AM OPEN TO LOVE" "LOVE WILL COME TO ME" "BRING MY LOVE TO MY LIFE" (note - not a specific party). Hold the stone or object in your power hand (the one you write with) and see it glowing with pink light. See love entering the stone and your aura. Continue this until you feel you are done, at least 3 minutes. Carry the pink object in your pocket or purse to remind you of your objective. You should see results within a moon (approximatel 1 month).

Is their anything saintly about St.Johns Wort?

St John's Wort

Is St. John's Wort a saint? Lots has been touted in recent times about St. John's Wort - but the reality is that St. John's Wort is a toxic plant. In miniscule doses, it *may* calm, but I've seen concoctions for aromatherapy, topical applications, and *many* different dosages of the "active" agent (hypernicum) for internal use. Since St. John's Wort
is not a regulated substance (yet) there is no standard for use.

There are safer natural substance such as hops or lavender that calm and soothe - and there is no such thing as a magic bullet. Since St. John's Wort is said to be "natural Prozac", the need for this should
be evaluated by a professional, not self-prescribed.

Balance should be sought from within.

How can I make someone love me?

This Hex is for you?

Should you hex someone? That life's annoyance really getting to you? Keep in mind, if you use magick in any sense, you are subject to the Rule of Three - whatever you send out will return to you threefold - if you send out good, good will return to you - if evil and/or harm, that comes back also - most traditions will also say that evil and harm will return tenfold if you attack the innocent. As the old adage says, "What goes around comes around". So hexing should not be taken lightly - any negative forces you send out will return to you magnified - and if the object of the hex is not deserving, you're in for MAJOR trouble. Are you ready for that kind of karma? So my personal opinion is NO hexing, rather use a protection spell for yourself to ward off any negativity and allow our good friend Karma to take care of the rest!

How can I find rare oils and herbs?

Abundance at Yule

Take advantage of the abundance of specialty oils and herb mixes available at Yuletide. Those "pinetree" incenses are made of real pine needles (not the cheapie ones, read the label) and can be crumbled over charcoal for purification rituals. These incenses are also good for those in the broom closet - they come in a cabin box and are carried by most "dollar stores" ... nice and innocent.

As always, read labels, check ingredients, and stay away from fake perfumey "fragrance oils" ... these are nearly useless for ritual and only serve to give you a powerful headache.

Garlic for protection, what about the smell?

Glorious Garlic

If you want the protective qualities of garlic without the smell, try using the "odorless" garlic oil capsules used for physical well-being. It's not quite the same as raw garlic, but properly prepared
(powered up, NOT broken) it is an acceptable subsititute - you have the essence of the garlic, but not the tell-tale odor. Good for use in your car or office space.

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