New Wiccans

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i'm new to wicca.can someone give me some free tips

New Wiccans

Wicca is an ancient religion of natural beauty and grace. It surpasses the strict conventions of other religions to accept all persons who wish to learn without restraint. At its core, Wicca is more than a set of prayer-spells. It is becoming one with the forces of nature in an honest manner. To truly become Wiccan, one must learn to shed the conventions and constraints of formal religions and accept that we know very little about the forces of life. Formal religions deliver rules on how to live life, where Wiccas simply believe in living your life as a natural force.



5/24/2007 6:48:12 AM
Mar said:

Does touch the heart of who I am, Blessings.

8/21/2007 6:29:17 AM
Ken Jackson said:

Well Said!

5/11/2009 9:11:41 AM
Chris said:

Wicca is NOT an "ancient" religion... It came about in the 1950's thru a man named Gerald Gardner.


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