Wicca Tips

When it comes to Wicca, we've been there, done that, now serving 95 tips in 7 categories ranging from Book of Shadows to The Wheel of the Year.

I am looking for a spell to find my familar but so far have not found one. Can anyone help

Wicca: Find Your Familiar

There are many spells in Wicca available on the Internet to find your familiar. However, it is better if you create your own prayer-spell to find your familiar. This is part of the Wiccan discipline, the ability to develop your own spells. You may not be ready for this yet, so please proceed with caution. Very often Wiccans find that their familiar-spell leads them to an animal they considered their favorite or they already have as a pet--the most common familiar is a feline. In some cases, your familiar will come to you without you even knowing it, or even casting a spell. This is because familiars are spiritual creatures that know to seek us out. If you have an animal hanging around your home that just won't leave, this may be your familiar.

Check out "SpellWeaving" by Sally Morningstar

good suggestions for introduction books into wicca??

Books For The Beginning Wiccan

Margot Adler's book "Drawing Down The Moon, Witches, Druids, Goddess Worshipers and Other Pagans In America Today" (Penguin 1997) Describes the life of Wiccan and other pagan practitioners in modern America.

Scott Cunningham books: "Wicca A Guide For The Solitary Practioner" (Lwellyn Publishing 1990), and "Living Wicca:A Furthe Guide For The Solitary Practitioner (Lwellyn Publishing 1993) are a great resource for Wiccan's, with spells and descriptions on how to foster a healthy spirit.

Silver Ravenwolf is a respected author in the Wiccan community with four titles that are easily located on Amazon.com. Most Wiccan practitioners highly recommend this author.

i'm new to wicca.can someone give me some free tips

New Wiccans

Wicca is an ancient religion of natural beauty and grace. It surpasses the strict conventions of other religions to accept all persons who wish to learn without restraint. At its core, Wicca is more than a set of prayer-spells. It is becoming one with the forces of nature in an honest manner. To truly become Wiccan, one must learn to shed the conventions and constraints of formal religions and accept that we know very little about the forces of life. Formal religions deliver rules on how to live life, where Wiccas simply believe in living your life as a natural force.

i'm new to wicca.can someone give me some free tips

New Wiccans

Wicca is an ancient religion of natural beauty and grace. It surpasses the strict conventions of other religions to accept all persons who wish to learn without restraint. At its core, Wicca is more than a set of prayer-spells. It is becoming one with the forces of nature in an honest manner. To truly become Wiccan, one must learn to shed the conventions and constraints of formal religions and accept that we know very little about the forces of life. Formal religions deliver rules on how to live life, where Wiccas simply believe in living your life as a natural force.

i love a man i hurt deeply, i live with a man who is abusive.is there a spell to win back my soulmate,and get rid of the bastard that wont leave?

The Truth About Wiccan Love Spells

First things first. If you are unhappy in your life, no spell will make that all disappear. Happiness does not come from spells, it comes from being one with yourself, it comes from being one with nature, and being honest in your life.A spell is not a magical Wicca fix-it-all. It is a focus of energies asking the natural powers to help you find yourself. Before you can even cast a spell in Wicca, you must learn to know yourself, believe in yourself, dare to change your circumstances, and to be silent.

It is also very important that you understand that the tenents of Wicca are to do no harm, nor to manipulate the hearts and souls of others. There are always consequences to these actions.

You can find love spells at www.newmoon.uk.com

Please, before you cast any spell, find your center---discover your truth, and that will lead you to your happiness.

How do I choose a deity to communicate with in practice?

So Many Pantheons, So Little Time

There are literally thousands of gods & goddesses out there, so finding one that speaks to you can be tough. If you are still wandering aimlessly trying to find your own personal deity (or want to appeal to a particular god/goddess for a current need), visit Godchecker (www.godchecker.com) -- this humorous but helpful non-denominational website allows you to search by pantheon, name, keyword, and deity gender. Whether you are looking for the deities of cooking or tattooing, chances are their free "Find-A-God" service will have something for you!

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