March 8, 2002, Newsletter Issue #42: Tools Of The Trade: Air/East

Tip of the Week

Air has many symbols that represent it, as did Earth last week. I will be mentioning three here today.

The first and most well-known is the dagger or Athame as many people know it. The dagger represents the power of the mind, the decisive cleaving power of clarity and focus. The dagger is often used in invoking and banishing rituals, as it is an active weapon to be wielded. The dagger is also used as a tool to etch sigils in candles, chop wands, cut food, etc., and should be functional not ornamental. Witches get round this by having the athame (black-handled knife) to wield and direct, and the burin (white-handled knife) to use practically.

The next would be our Flute/Pipe. Wind instruments are of great use to work with air, calling up the powers of air, and being able to provide pleasant sounds to maintain calm or wild tunes to frolic to.

And last, but certainly not least, is the Censer. It holds the incense and enables one to smudge oneself. The stimulatory properties of smell in ritual should not be ignored, as smell is one of the strongest prompts to the unconscious available.

These cover the three most well-known representations of Air on an altar or workplace of magick.

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